When you check out the meaning of the word "trust" in an Oxford Dictionary, you will find not one but many meanings to it. But for me "trust" is to allow without "fear", which means that fear and trust can't be together. Relationships are built on "trust" and not "fear". Fear is often used in conjunction with the word "Discipline". But both are entirely different and this is where people especially teachers fall in the trap. Very few realise that "Love" and "Discipline" can co-exist. Breakups, violence, suicides and all such ghastly things wouldn't have found their place in the dictionaries if people realise this often unsaid truth.
"Trust" is such a light word literally, but people have made it "Heavy" by adding "Expectations" to it. The sacred Hindu text "Gita" says the same, that do what you are supposed to without "expecting" results. So, in a relationship, love and take care of someone without expecting anything in return. And most often people like me and you do the same mistake of expecting something in return. And that's when "Trust" seems to be very precious, something which is not bestowed on others easily. "Suspicion" and "Doubts" often become the villain in this whole equation. But for any villain there always exists a "Hero" and to me that hero is " Forgiveness". To forgive is to love someone, to love someone is to trust someone, to trust someone we love is what "God" sent us for!!