Friday, February 5, 2010

Pigeon number 6109141.....

Hii folks,
This is Pigeon number "6109141", one of the many pigeons in the heritage campus of IIM-A. I wanted to share my harrowing experience today inside CR-8 which is supposed to be the elite section of students amongst the present batch of PGP students. I was happily flying and soaking in the fresh cool air, when from nowhere "Bluethunder" struck me. Yes, we pigeons are supposed to run for our life whenever Kites like "Bluethunder" choose us for a snack. It was my recklessness that could have landed me inside the long food tube of "Bluthunder", but somehow "Chidiyaatma" was on my side. For those who don't know who "Chidiyaatma" is, it is the equivalent of what you humans call as "Parmaatma".
As it was chasing me swiftly, I was flying faster than ever before, managed to ward off obstacles and trick it. But in the process, little did I realise that I would land up inside CR-8 whose doors were closed precisely by Prof XYZ, the moment I entered inside. The 90 odd Androids sitting inside trying to assimilate whatever the Prof was telling, was an overwhelming site to watch, one which scared the hell out of me. I spent around 2-3 minutes soaking in the surroundings and hopping here and there over the lights and the AC. There was no escape route for me and I was desperate to see the sun again. Those androids were now concentrating on me as I was disturbing and distracting them. But there were a few kind souls who were genuinely thinking of helping me out. Finally, I saw someone opening up the slits of a window, but alas I was too big to sneak in through and escape.
But the one thing I observed was the way those androids were struggling to decipher Prof XYZ's words of wisdom. Half of them were looking at me, half of them were mentally absent, half of them were acting as if they understood everything and only few understood everything. This is the state of things at the premier B-school in India. Who's to blame for all this?? Certainly not me!! I was only trying to escape death which I finally managed to, thanks to two pretty ladies who opened the two main doors through which I entered the "Cage" and who were genuinely concerned about me.
I am now genuinely thinking of shifting my base to a place called "ISB-Hyderabad" which is an equally beautiful campus as is IIM-A but where I hope to not find adversaries like "Bluethunder" and instead find a good faculty who can mould Androids into Humans because I believe only Humans will make the country I fly in, a better place to live for birds like me and for all living bodies in this country!!

PS: I would like to wholeheartedly thank taureansandy for leasing out this cyberspace to me for free and wish from the bottom of my heart that he fly very high in life and be the "Bluethunder" and not "Pigeon number 6109141"

Pigeon number 6109141


Manas said...

Nice one :)

taurean sandy said...

Thanks buddy!!

vasu said...

gud mowgli..... keep up the gud work...